This past weekend the band traveled east to the Middle Tennessee Highland Games held in Sanders Ferry Park. Thankfully the rain didn’t get the best of us and we ended up taking 2nd Place overall in Grade 5 with a 1st in Piping, a 2nd in Piping, a 2nd in Ensemble and a 4th in Drumming!
Thank you to our leadership, band mates, family and all of our supporters for all you continue to do for the band. Time to dry out and relax a bit until our final comp of the year at Stone Mountain. Safe travels home to everyone!
Congrats to our soloists along with all of the other competing bands this weekend!
Piping Solos Derek Reed - 1st Place - G2 Strath & Reel Carolyn Reed - 6th Place - G4 2/4 March
Snare Drumming Solos Brian Kee - 1st Place - G4 2/4 March Garrett Russell - 4th Place - G4 2/4 March
Grade 5 Band Results 1st - Louisville Pipe Band 2nd - Memphis Pipe Band 3rd - Knoxville Pipe Band 4th - Nashville Pipes and Drums 5th - Chattanooga Pipe Band
One more round of thanks goes to the organizers of the Middle Tennessee Highland Games for this great event!
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